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About Conference:

NEPHROLOGY-2022 invites all the participants across the world to attend the “17th World Nephrology Summit” which is scheduled on June 27-28, 2022 at Osaka, Japan.

17th World Nephrology Summit will discuss the latest Research Technologies and Therapeutic aspects developed for various kidney diseases which include Renal Transplantation, Dialysis Equipment and other procedures involved in the treatment of Chronic Kidney Diseases and End Stage Renal Diseases. This year’s annual Conference highlights the theme “Covid -19 outbreak and its effect on Kidney Patient’s Dialysis &Renal System”.

17th World Nephrology Summit is a unique platform to meet fellow key decision makers and expert’s all-around, Nephrologists and Kidney Specialists from leading Universities & Research Institutions making the conference a perfect platform to share Experience, Research Talks, Poster presentations  etc

Conference Series LLC Ltd organizes conferences of 3000+ Global Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops in the USA. Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access journals which contain over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Why to attend?

The national and international gathering of Undergraduates, Graduates/Postgraduates, Librarians, Study Abroad Advisors, Faculty (Teachers, Lecturers, Researchers, Professors, Head of Department, Deans), Vice-Chancellors, Chancellors, College and University Presidents), Policy Makers and Stakeholders with background or interest Education.


1. Nephrology:

Nephrology is a part of therapeutic science that manages capacity and illnesses of the kidneys and it centers on the finding and treatment of kidney disorders. The kidneys are matched retroperitoneal organs that lie at the dimension of the T12 to L3 vertebral bodies. The kidney has a stringy case, which is encompassed by Para renal fat. The kidney itself can be separated into renal parenchyma, comprising of renal cortex and medulla, and the renal sinus containing renal pelvis, calyces, renal vessels, nerves, lymphatic's and peri-renal fat. The renal parenchyma has two layers: cortex and medulla.

  • Nephrology & Renal Studies
  • Pelvic kidney
  • Artificial kidney
  • Kidney glomerulus podocyte
  • Renal histopathology
  • Multicystic Renal dysplasia & microscopic
  • Medullary Sponge Kidney

2. Metabolic, Fluid & Electrolyte disorders:

The renal framework maintains homeostasis in the body staying away from noteworthy adjustments to be determined of a liquid electrolyte or acid-base identicalness until the Glomerular filtration rates decreased to underneath 25 ml/min as a result of a progression of flexible changes, both Renal and additional renal. With dynamic lessening in a renal limit, these parts are overwhelmed by achieving agitating impacts in the water absorption framework adding to hypernatremia and hypernatremia. Disorders of Plasma Osmolality

  • Respiratory and Metabolic Acidosis
  • Electrolyte Disorders in Diabetes Mellitus
  • Hydration in Kidney Disease Prevention
  • Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Disturbances of Plasma Calcium Concentration
  • Electrolyte Disorders in Diabetes Mellitus

3. Stages of Kidney Diseases:

Kidney disease, or renal disease, also known as nephropathy. Nephritis is an inciting kidney disease and has several types according to the location of the inflammation. Inflammation can be diagnosed by blood tests. Nephrosis is non-inflammatory kidney disease. Nephritis and nephrosis can give intensification to nephritic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome respectively. Kidney disease habitually causes a loss of kidney function to some degree and can result in kidney failure, the complete loss of kidney function.

  • Analgesic nephropathy
  • IgA nephropathy
  • Lupus nephritis

4. Cardiovascular Impacts of Kidney Diseases:

Chronic kidney disease prompts the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Coronary disease result for more than half of all deaths among individuals with CKD (Chronic kidney diseases). Indeed, even early or mellow renal disorder puts a man at higher danger of heart ailments and heart attacks and also heart disease-related death.

5. Clinical Nephrology:

Clinical medicine covers the tip and treating of excretory organ disorders, together with essential and elective cardiovascular disease and solution unsettling influences, and also the thought of these requiring excretory organ substitution treatment, together with qualitative analysis and excretory organ transplant patients. varied diseases impacting the excretory organ square measure foundational disperses not compelled to the organ itself, and should need unprecedented treatment.

Diabetes-2022 | Nursing Education-2022 | ENT-2022  | Oral Health-2022 | Nephrology-2022 | Vaccines -2022 | Hepatitis-2022 | Eye Care-2022 | Neonatology-2022 | Pulmonogy-2022 | Optics-2022 | Psychology-2022 | Probiotics2022 |Aquaculture-2022 | Food Tech-2022

6. Diabetic Nephropathy:

The diabetic excretory organ malady a number of the time in addition known as diabetic renal disorder may be a urinary organ connected elaboration a lot of typically than not happens in sure people with DM. In diabetic renal disorder channels of the kidneys and glomeruli find yourself injured. During this condition, the kidneys unharness associate uncommon quantity of super molecule from the blood into the pee.

7. Pediatric Nephrology

The investigation of Pediatric nephrology decides finding and also the board of babies with a incessant and intense urinary organ issue. The division of Pediatric medicine evaluates and treats cardiovascular disease, hematuria, albuminuria, nephritic rounded pathology, renal lithiasis, Bright's disease and urinary organ hurt in children. It likewise incorporates total thought to medicine patients with finish organize urinary organ disorders, as well as thought to patients encountering serous membrane chemical analysis, dialysis and urinary organ transplantation in newborn youngsters.

8. Geriatric Nephrology:

The points of this examination were to survey the clinical utility of combination and provincial bone measuring in an intensive nonstop walking serous membrane qualitative analysis (CAPD) people and to determine the clinical, organic chemistry, and picture taking factors that best distinguished osteopenia CAPD patients.

  • Clinical nephritic measuring
  • Urogynecology
  • Acute Nephrosis
  • Opening nephropathy and nephritis
  • Nephritic Tubulointerstitial pathology
  • Biomarkers in nephrology

9. Hereditary Kidney Disorder:

Some kidney diseases result from genetic factors. Polycystic renal disorder (PKD), for instance, could be a genetic abnormality during which several cysts grow within the kidneys. Kidney disease cysts will slowly switch a lot of the mass of the kidneys, decreasing urinary organ perform and resulting in failure. Some urinary organ complications might show up even before birth. Examples contain chromosome receding kidney disease, a rare kind of kidney disease, and different developing issues that interfere with the traditional formation of the nephrons. The signs of renal disorder in youngsters vary. a baby might grow remarkably slowly, might vomit often, or might have back or aspect pain.

  • Alport Syndrome
  • Bartter Syndrome
  • Cystic Diseases of the urinary organ
  • Horseshoe urinary organ
  • Medullary Sponge urinary organ
  • Megaureter and different nonheritable Ureteral Anomalies

10. Renal Artery Stenosis:

About ninety % of RAS is caused by induration of the arteries —clogging, narrowing, and hardening of the excretory organ arteries. In these cases, RAS develops once plaque—a sticky substance created of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and alternative material found within the blood—builds au courant the inner wall of 1 or each excretory organ arteries. Plaque build-up is what makes the artery wall laborious and slender. Most alternative cases of RAS square measure caused by fibromuscular abnormal condition (FMD)—the abnormal development or growth of cells on the arteria renalis walls—which will cause blood vessels to slender.

Environment-2022 |Traditional Medicine-2022 |Plant Sciences-2022 | Personal Medicine-2022 |Drug Delivery-2022 | Childbirth-2022 | Asian Nusing-2022 | Endocrine-2022 | Nutrition-2022 | Pharmacovigilance-2022 | Nanomedicine-2022 | Medicine-2022 | Public Health-2022 | Neurology-2022 | 

11. Eating & Nutrition for Haemodialysis:

Between chemical analysis treatment sessions, wastes will build up in your blood and cause you to sick. You’ll cut back waste buildup by dominant what you eat and drink. You’ll match what you eat and drink with what your excretory organ treatments take away. Your chemical analysis center contains a urinary organ nutritionist to assist you intend your meals. A urinary organ nutritionist has special coaching in caring for the food and nutrition desires of individuals with nephrosis.

12. Onconephrology and Nephritis:

Onconephrology could be a rising subspecialty of medicine. "The yank Society of medicine (ASN) created associate exchange targeted on the sphere of Onconephrology in 2011 to boost cooperative thought when danger patients with nephrosis." randomized controlled preliminaries in an exceedingly subspecialty like Onconephrology should be conceivable once there's a joint effort among nephrologists and malignancy doctors from malignant growth bases on the planet that connect and share explore thoughts at worldwide gatherings.

  • Stalk pathology (TS)
  • Therapy
  • Excretory organ Cell cancer and kinds
  • Uranalysis

13. Mineral & Bone Disorder in CKD:

Mineral and bone disorder in CKD is most serious once it happens in kids as a result of their bones are still developing and growing. Growing kids will show symptoms of mineral and bone disorder even within the early stages of CKD. Slowed bone growth ends up in short stature, which can stay with a toddler into adulthood. One deformity caused by mineral and bone disorder in CKD happens once the legs bend inward or outward, a condition typically stated as "renal rickets”.

14. Technological Advancements in Nephrology:

New and higher headways are created in careful gear one such model is Laparoscopic cutting out is secure and helps within the evacuation of poorly excretory organ. Laparoscopic cutting out could be a unimportantly outstanding restorative methodology technique, which supplies patients extraordinary results equivalent once diverged from tremendous passage purpose which needs ancient open therapeutic strategy.

Market Analysis

Importance & Scope:

This conference on medicine and medicine dedicated to symposia, workshop sessions. Technical symposia incorporate oral or poster presentation of analysis papers classified into parallel tracks. Workshops, Keynote talks from specialists, panel discussions are protected among the agenda of the convention. NEPHROLOGY-2022 aims to convey together main educational scientists, analyzers and studies students to explore and share their stories and research consequences concerning all factors of medicine & medicine. It’ll conjointly give the chance for researchers, practitioners and educators to gift and speak the foremost latest enhancements, developments, and issues, sensible gainsays encountered and therefore the answers adopted among the fields of nephrology.

Market price on Nephrology Research:

As indicated by latest statistics report, concerning twenty six million old except young and previous people area unit experiencing Chronic nephrosis complications and an oversized variety of others area unit at expanded risk. medical expenditures per person each year with urinary organ illness increment from $15,000 in stage three to $28,000 in stage four to quite $70,000 in stage five. systematically health care spent virtually $28.6 billion to treat people with a urinary organ disorder. National urinary organ Foundation has given quite $100 million for analysis work. each year the America bore $41 billion or 17 November of their health care disbursement set up on people with urinary organ sicknesses. The quantities of urinary organ Transplantations area unit apparently high and within the time of 2013 alone, there are a unit around 15000 urinary organ transplantations. Being one among the significant fields of general medicine, Nephrological analysis got a subsidizing of quite five billion greenbacks yearly over the world. Virtually $560 million is being backed on urinary organ ailments alone each year owing to the fast increment for the danger of uropathy.

Members related to medicine Research:

  • Nephrologists
  • Pediatric Nephrology
  • Fellows or Postdoctoral students
  • Nephrology Academicians
  • Students following MD or Ph.D.
  • Emeritus
  • Young analysis Scientists
  • Business Delegates


  • Global Society associated with Nephrological Research:
  • Albanian Society of Nephrology, Albania
  • Algerian Society of Nephrology, qualitative analysis and Transplantation, Algeria
  • Austrian Society of Nephrology, Austria
  • Czech Society of Nephrology, European country
  • Danish Society of Nephrology, Denmark
  • Dialysis, Nephrology and urinary organ Transplantation Union of Georgia, Georgia
  • German Society of Nephrology, Germany
  • Latvian Association of Nephrology, Latvia
  • Dutch Federation of Nephrology, Netherland
  • Russian qualitative analysis Society, Russia

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 27-28, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics Journal of Nephrology and Urology Journal of Nephrology & Renal Diseases

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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